Dear Love…
I know I said I would climb every mountain and swim every ocean for you. I know I waited every 1000 years for you. I mean, how that is possible blows my mind. I promised that I would not make you cry or sad in your lifetime.
Guess what love… life somehow happened and work and family responsibilities among other ‘ands’. You became busy, I became busier.

man and woman holding hands walking on seashore during sunrise
Photo by Ibrahim Asad on

Flashback five years ago when Safaricom was generous with our teenagehood. We could wake up at 10 pm and sleep at 6 am so that we could chat and talk without limitations of airtime. Our only worry was getting caught by momma if she walked by the room and found you laughing hysterically at the middle of the night alone. We were never busy for each other because, in two weeks’ time, we knew that we would be back to school, where our conversations would only continue in our thoughts.
Fast forward and now we are here.

Starting a hustle prone life, struggling to survive. This is where things get complicated. Where forever meant a long time but now it means needing space two months into a relationship. At one point we knew what we wanted, but now we struggle every day knowing who we are.

We become complicated, preoccupied with the dreams we chase, work that takes almost half our day and so on and so forth. You say hi today, I answer back the following day (majorly because I fell asleep while texting you). Two steps back and forth.
Truth is love, we are growing and love is complex yet simple. It moves from the witty remarks to the words that make you feel u la la and becomes complex when a future with you is involved. It becomes a story of commitment which is hard to come by these days. It meets a new family, babies, social events, parents meetings, joint accounts and many other menial jobs couples get themselves into. When responsibility is involved, extra emotions are involved too; and even the small things matter.

When I said I’d climb every mountain for you, I lied. I would climb every mountain with you. This journey needs a helping hand. I would swim every ocean with you; because every ocean has a dipped end and you would need some pulling when you are drowning. Even with our busy complicated, needing space kind of life- truth is, Love exists and it should not die because we chose other things first.

1 Comment

  1. Elvis Massawe says:

    Wooow this is profound, great work😊😊
    Stay blessed


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